This is Tim Hoover's Family Website - Check Back Regularly!

Welcome to all of our friends!
We hope that this will be a great place for you to get to know our family. I'm married to Elizabeth, and have six great kids: Sara (now married), Jessica, Joshua, Samuel, Emily & Ethan. Sara's feet are missing from the picture to the right since she was taking the picture!
One thing is certain...all of my kids are different! But we all love each other, and enjoy spending time together. Click on one of the links to the left to find out more.

Here's what we look like higher up! Starting from the left, there's:
- Samuel (15)
- Ethan (8)
- Joshua (17)
- Emily (13)
- Me (The bearded one)
- Elizabeth (she says she's still 16!)
- Jessica (18)
Be sure and leave us a comment!